My Transformation Journey
A decade ago, standing on the precipice of adulthood after university, I thought I had LIFE already figured out. Equipped with a strong scientific degree, a promising consulting career, and a set of comforting inherited religious beliefs, everything seemed perfect on the surface. Yet, I was NOT deeply happy. I was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle, something BIG. I was merely following a path NOT of my own choosing, sleepwalking through a pre-defined life, a NORMAL one. It was then that I decided to truly Wake the F UP !
Barely a few years later, writing these lines while nomading the world, connecting with fantastic people and cultures from all backgrounds, with no stress about money or social norms, I'm finally approaching a LIFE that authentically reflects my deepest TRUE self. I also found my purpose in life, which opened a new chapter aimed at enriching others' lives and helping them wake the f up too :)