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Available in
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- Introduction to The RED Node (21:55)
- Personal Profit (1/3) : Control your Spending (13:26)
- Personal Profit (2/3): Quick-Wins to Boost your Income (25:46)
- Personal Profit (3/3): Long-term Strategies to 3X your Income (27:05)
- Personal Wealth (1/4): Build your Assets, Reduce your Liabilities (9:16)
- Personal Wealth (2/4): Investing in Real-Estate (53:24)
- Personal Wealth (3/4): Investing in the Financial Markets (164:49)
- Personal Wealth (4/4): Building your own Business (28:39)
- The Psychology of Money: Freedom is Mental, not only Financial (22:08)
- Summary of the RED Node (15:11)
Available in
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- Intoduction to the BLUE Node (7:56)
- The Fitness & Health Equation (1/3): Sport (30:22)
- The Fitness & Health Equation (2/3): Nutrition (33:59)
- The Fitness & Health Equation (3/3): Sleep (12:40)
- The Mental Fitness Equation (23:22)
- Building the Right Habits (24:50)
- The Science & Art of Communication (40:56)
- Tackling your Fear of Strangers (17:23)
- Mastering the Dynamics of Relationships (24:38)
- Bonus - Digital Nomading & Minimalism (24:15)
- Bonus - Optimizing your Happiness (8:56)
- Summary of the BLUE Node (14:17)
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- Introduction to the GREEN Node (12:49)
- You are Responsible for your LIFE (7:56)
- Traveling Like a Local (19:11)
- The Spiritual Power of Art (22:37)
- Meditation Practice: Type 1 (48:44)
- Meditation Practice: Type 2 (12:07)
- Leveraging the Power of Psychedelics (30:20)
- Eneregies & Frequencies (26:53)
- The Stoic Stage of Non-Duality (15:38)
- Bonus 1: We are not that different from ChatGPT (6:54)
- Bonus 2: The EGO, Universe Signs & Selflessness (19:35)
- Bonus 3: Talking Religion in Light of Spirituality (26:00)
- Summary of the GREEN Node (13:53)
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